Radio Encuentros was born in the 90s in the heart of Villa Dominico Ciudad de Avellaneda, since then we reach all the neighbors giving them the best music and information with daily schedules that go from 8 in the morning until 00 at night, all the week, sharing this passion with all our listeners.We are a team with a spirit of self-improvement, of aspiring for more, of improving and offering the best we can, with the aim of feeling all part of the same group.Currently the radio has 20 programs between independent productions and co-productions that are made from the radio studios. They are between 11 and 13 hours of daily programming.A great team of professionals and passionate people make possible a day-to-day program full of news, interviews, comments and the most varied music. It is a station dedicated to the word, financed with the publicity that it emits and has a faithful audience that day by day exceeds our expectations.His "slogan" presentation "THE POPULAR RADIO THAT USES US", guarantees the ideology of the station as well as its independence. We are a private radio without any link with the big broadcasting networks or with “families” within the social media landscape, and that is precisely its hallmark and its hallmark of authenticity.The program of FM ENCUENTROS has magic, charm, personality and an absolutely different style to everything you will find on the dial, because it is intelligent, entertaining, cultural and informative.Having all the social networks of the moment that allow us to reach dream places.